Super Translator-超级翻译

1797380 个用户


使用Google translate的translate單詞和短語。
如果您需要另一種語言的快速翻譯,該去哪兒?朋友還是外語詞典?現在,您可以將便捷的擴展名用於Google translate瀏覽器,如果您需要經常使用帶有該擴展名的translate單詞,則可以最便捷地訪問Google提供的在線翻譯服務。


南非語,阿爾巴尼亞語,阿姆哈拉語,阿拉伯語,亞美尼亞語,阿塞拜疆語,巴斯克語,白俄羅斯語,孟加拉語,波斯尼亞語,保加利亞語,加泰羅尼亞語,宿霧,奇切夫斯基,中文(簡體),中文(繁體),科西嘉語,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,荷蘭語,英語,世界語,愛沙尼亞語,菲律賓語,芬蘭語,法語,弗里斯蘭語,加利西亞語,格魯吉亞語,德語,希臘語,古吉拉特語,海地克里奧爾語,豪薩語,夏威夷語,希伯來語,印地語,苗族,匈牙利語,冰島語,伊博語,印尼語,愛爾蘭語,意大利語,日語,Javanese ,卡納達語,哈薩克語,高棉語,韓語,庫爾德語(Kurmanji),吉爾吉斯語,老撾語,拉丁語,拉脫維亞語,立陶宛語,盧森堡語,馬其頓語,馬達加斯加語,馬來語,馬拉雅拉姆語,馬耳他語,毛利人,馬拉特語,蒙古語,緬甸語(挪威語),普什圖語,波斯語,波蘭語,葡萄牙語,旁遮普語,羅馬尼亞語,俄語,薩摩亞語,蘇格蘭蓋爾語,塞爾維亞語,塞索托語,紹納語,信德語,僧伽羅語,斯洛伐克語,斯洛文尼亞語,索馬里語,西班牙語,Sundan,斯瓦希里語,瑞典語,塔吉克語,泰米爾語,泰文身體,泰語,土耳其語,烏克蘭語,烏爾都語,烏茲別克語,越南語,威爾士語,辮子,意第緒語,約魯巴語,祖魯語



Atikur Ra​​hman-★★★★★

Steva Palchow-★★★★★


Lea C.-★★★★★

薩朗·加吉(Sarang Ghadge)-★★★★★

Khalil Rasool-★★★★★

Al Rahim CC-★★★★★

Rager Teo-★★★★★

弗朗西斯·羅德里格斯(Francis Rodrigues)-★★★★★

約翰·勒·費弗(John Le Fevre)-★★★★★



2.2-進行了更改,以加載網頁,然後“ translate”並以您選擇的語言顯示該頁面。

使用Chrome擴展程序“ translate選定的文字”,後果自負。不提供保修。對於因使用此擴展程序而造成的任何數據損壞或丟失,作者概不負責。使用“ translate選定的文字”表示您同意這些條款。

Chrome擴展程序“ translate選定的文字”與流行的網站無關。所有版權均歸其所有者所有。 Google不支持或贊助此Chrome擴展程序。此Chrome擴展程序不是Google Inc.的擁有,許可或子公司。


English version:

Translate words and phrases using Google Translate.
Where do you go when you need a quick translation in another language? Friend or foreign language dictionary? Now you can use the convenient extension for the Google Translate browser, if you need to often translate words with this extension, you will get the most convenient access to the online translation services provided by Google.

Select or right-click a section of text and click the Translate icon next to it to translate it into your language. The result will open in a new tab.
You can set your language in the extension settings, and it will automatically translate everything into that language. The translator will determine the language of the site where you are located. Users can also easily translate text fragments, as well as listen to the correct pronunciation of the translated words and phrases in a new tab.

Translations between the following languages ​​are supported:
Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebu, Chichevsky, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese,Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kyrgyz, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marat, Mongolian, Myanmar (Norwegian) Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Sesoto, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Sundan, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, body in Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, braid, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu


★Reviews – Users (we are proud)

Atikur Rahman – ★★★★★
If you need to translate then this is exactly what you need to translate.

Steva Palchow – ★★★★★
very easy and correct to translate any web page.

Micha – ★★★★★
A very simple and useful extension for translation. thank

Lea C. – ★★★★★
A very useful tool helps to translate any texts in seconds.

Sarang Ghadge – ★★★★★
it’s better that I used to translate the web page

Khalil Rasool – ★★★★★
Thank you, a very useful extension to translate the necessary information.

Al Rahim CC – ★★★★★
Thanks to the addition of this application, I can easily translate any language into English. So an excellent translation app, trust me. try adding this to your chrome only once.

rager teo – ★★★★★
It is very easy to use. Just one click to translate.

Francis Rodrigues – ★★★★★
A great set that actually makes it easy to translate what you need

John Le Fevre – ★★★★★
Very comfortably. This is exactly what you need to translate is just two clicks.


Changelog (latest first):

4.0 – Updated user material so that you can translate better.
2.9 – changes were made in order to translate as little as possible your time
2.2 – changes were made to load a web page, and then “translate” and make the page appear in your chosen language.
1.3 – changes have been made in order to automatically translate the site into the language you nee

Privacy policy:
Use the Chrome extension “Translate selected text” at your own risk. Warranty not available. The author is not responsible for any damage or loss of data caused by the use of this extension. Using “Translate Selected Text” means that you agree to these terms.

Denial of responsibility:
The Chrome extension “Translate Selected Text” has nothing to do with the popular site All copyrights belong to their owners. Google does not support or sponsor this Chrome extension. This Chrome extension is not owned, licensed, or a subsidiary of Google Inc.

All copyrights belong to their owners.